What is Forever Living Products?

Forever Living is the largest grower and manufacturer of aloe vera and aloe vera based products in the world. For more than 40 years, Forever Living has been changing lives and producing the highest quality health and wellness products to help people look better and feel better.

About the Opportunity

Forever Business Owners are people just like you. They build an income while helping each other. That’s how our business works. By rewarding you for sharing your enthusiasm about the things you love. Whether you’re looking for a discount on the products, or a little bit extra spending money, a new car, or even an entirely new career, Forever can help you.

Forever has a reward structure we call the Marketing Plan. The Forever Marketing Plan provides a detailed road map to help you get to where you want to go. We think that the Forever Marketing Plan is the most generous in the Network Marketing Industry. It’s filled with incentives, bonuses, and opportunities that give you the tools you need to build your business at your own pace while rewarding you for your hard work.

Learn more about how you can join this amazing experience!

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How Forever Changed My Life

==================================================================================== We are Zhenya and Ivan Ivanovi - Managers at Forever Living Products. We discovered Forever in 2008 at a critical time for us. We were tired of work and lack of finances, we had no free time for rest, for children and for our favorite activities, we had health problems, no security for tomorrow, and something had to be changed. Our health and the health of our children were a priority. We were for a healthy lifestyle and in Forever we found what we are looking for - unique natural products, accompanied by the relevant certificates of safety and quality. At first we were satisfied, we felt healthier, more energetic and smiled more. We have become our best customers. Relatives, friends and colleagues saw our change and some of them also decided to join and so a group of people formed around us who like and use these unique natural products. This continued until the time we retired. Then we faced the bare truth - after a lifetime of work, saving money and depriving ourselves of many things we love and want, we found ourselves on the brink of survival (the condition of most retirees in our country and around the world). Then we saw the other, more important opportunity that Forever gives us - to change our financial situation, to live the life we ​​deserve and to help other people to do the same. And we decided to do it. More and more people around us realize the need for change and start working for themselves, for their future and the future of their children and grandchildren. Our goal is to help them gain confidence, motivate themselves to improve and become professionals at work. And when we see their progress and the smiles on their faces, we are happy. We are now retired, we enjoy good health and we do not have the financial worries of most retirees in Bulgaria and around the world. Our life is good, we have a wonderful big family and we enjoy the children and grandchildren, we work for pleasure, we travel, we have security for the future and we do not stop dreaming! If you are among the people who are looking for change and you are ready to do what is necessary to achieve it or you just realized that health is the most valuable wealth and you need to take care of it in the best way, don't hesitate, do it NOW. You can contact us in Bulgaria by phone: +359 896 838 865 - Zhenya and +359 896 62 84 64 - Ivan, on e-mail: jeniaiv52@gmail.com, on Facebook and Messenger or through the Contact Form on this site. ================================================================================== Ние сме Женя и Иван Иванови - Мениджъри във Форевър Ливинг Продъктс. Ние се срещнахме с Форевър през 2008 г. в критичен за нас момент, когато изморени от работа и недостиг на финанси и свободно време за почивка, за децата и за любимите ни занимания, със здравословни проблеми, без сигурност за утрешния ден, търсехме промяна. Нашето здраве и здравето на децата ни бяха приоритет. Ние сме за здравословния начин на живот и във Форевър намерихме това, което търсим – уникални натурални продукти, придружени със съответните сертификати за безвредност и качество. На първо време това ни удовлетворяваше, чувствахме се по-здрави, по-енергични и се усмихвахме повече. Станахме най-добрите си клиенти. Близки, приятели и колеги виждаха нашата промяна и някои от тях решиха също да се присъединят и така край нас се формира група от хора, които харесват и ползват тези уникални натурални продукти. Това продължи до момента, когато се пенсионирахме. Тогава се изправихме срещу голата истина – след цял живот работа, спестяване на пари и лишаване от много неща, които обичаме и желаем, ние се оказахме на ръба на оцеляването (състоянието на повечето пенсионери у нас и по света). Тогава видяхме и другата, по-важна възможност, която ни дава Форевър – да променим финансовото си състояние, да живеем живота, който заслужаваме и да помогнем и на други хора да направят това. И ние решихме да го направим. Все повече хора около нас осъзнават нуждата от промяна и започват да работят за себе си, за бъдещето си и бъдещето на децата и внуците си. Нашата цел е да им помогнем да добият увереност, да се мотивират да се усъвършенстват и да станат професионалисти в работата. А, когато виждаме техния напредък и усмивките на лицата им, ние сме щастливи. Сега сме пенсионери, радваме се на добро здраве и нямаме финансовите притеснения на повечето пенсионери в България и по света. Животът ни е хубав, имаме прекрасно голямо семейство и се радваме на децата и внуците, работим за удоволствие, пътуваме, имаме сигурност за бъдещето и не спираме да мечтаем! Ако вие сте сред хората, които търсят промяна и сте готови да направите необходимото, за да я постигнете или просто сте осъзнали, че здравето е най-ценното богатство и трябва да се грижите за него по най-добрия начин, не се колебайте, а го направете СЕГА! Може да се свържите с нас в България на телефони: +359 896 838 865 - Женя и +359 896 62 84 64 - Иван, по Фейсбук и Месинджър, e-mail: jeniaiv52@gmail.com или през Формата за контакт в този сайт. .

Benefits of Joining the Forever Living Family


Be in business for yourself. You have the freedom to make your own schedule, work from where you want and achieve what you desire.


The harder you work, the more earning potential you have. Building a business takes commitment.


Unlock your potential to earn bonuses and qualify to explore travel destinations.


From local events to hundreds of online materials, you'll have everything you need to succeed.


Get exclusive discounts on products to enjoy for yourself or retail to others.


Be part of a family that spans the globe in more than 160 countries.

  • Vertically integrated
  • Experienced with a long standing management team
  • Operating in over 160 countries
  • Quality products that are natural, naturally derived and scientifically advanced
  • Hand harvested, hand filleted inner leaf aloe vera gel
  • Patented stabilization process and aseptic manufacturing
  • Scientific Advisory Board of highly qualified professionals
  • Certified by The International Aloe Science Council (IASC) for potency and purity

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